Schmooze, Daven, & Nosh!
1st Shabbat of the month @ Touro
3rd Shabbat of the month in homes
A Shabbat morning filled with good coffee, great people, joyful services, and a delicious lunch.
We’re excited to spend Shabbat together!
We are kid forward. We create kid-facing opportunities and celebrate the inclusion of kids in all spaces. We welcome the noise, creativity, and unpredictability that children bring.
We are for everyone. We are a safe and explicitly welcoming space for all who are interested in joining us, including interfaith, racially diverse, and LGBTQ+ families and individuals of all identities and ages.
“We were expecting you.” We are a welcoming home for everyone who crosses our threshold. We anticipate everyone’s arrival with warmth and joy. Whether it is your first time or you regularly join us, this community exists for you and because of you.
We are multi-denominational and rooted in tradition. We embrace varying levels of observance and welcome community members to share their traditions. We offer opportunities to practice traditional prayer and ritual, while cultivating ruach (spirit) and kavana (intention).
We believe “The more, the more.” Our offerings add to the robustness, depth, and fullness of Jewish life in New Orleans. We honor the importance of synagogues and clergy, and present opportunities to enhance participation and sense of belonging across our greater Jewish community.
Please sign-up for our listserv to find out details and locations of upcoming events.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Chavurah? A group of friends who gather together for prayer. You're invited!
Why a Community Chavurah? To meet the evolving needs of New Orleanians in creating intentional and regular Jewish practice. To share Shabbat traditions and to develop new ones, in a welcoming, vibrant community.
How can I participate?
Most importantly, just show up!
Lead prayers, read Torah, or take another role in the service. Sign up here or contact Mia Bagneris or Ben Horwitz.
Help schlep, set up, or clean up! Sign up here or contact Mia Bagneris or Ben Horwitz.
What if I'd like to participate in services, but don't feel ready? Chavurat Or'Leans is for everyone at all levels of participation! We are happy to help you brush up on your skills or start from scratch with reading Torah, leading prayers, giving a d'var torah, etc. Contact Mia Bagneris or Ben Horwitz.
Do I need to bring anything? Come as you are! We provide prayer books, but no other personal ritual items.
What kind of practice are the Shabbat services? Think an egalitarian service rooted in tradition with a focus on ruach-filled davening (joyful prayers).
Who is this for? This is for you! We enthusiastically welcome all who are interested in joining us, including individuals of all identities and ages, interfaith families, racially diverse families, and LGBTQ+ individuals and families.
Will there be food? Of course! Coffee and snacks are always available on Shabbat morning, and we come together for lunch after the service.
Is the food kosher? We make an effort to ensure that the main dish (usually bagels and cream cheese) are hechshered. There is also food prepared in a non-kosher kitchen, but it is usually cold salad and fruit. Contact Ellie Streiffer for specifics.
Are the services and activities Shomer Shabbat? Not entirely, but we make an effort. Instruments are not used in the main service, but they are on occasion for the kids. We are intentional about finding kids activities that are friendly for all families that might attend. If an activity is not Shomer Shabbat, there will always be another option that is. Contact Ellie Streiffer for specifics.
Is there a cost? No, just your intention and time. Want to contribute? Click here to make a donation!
Who is organizing Chavurat Or'Leans? The central planning team is Jessica Arnold, Mia Bagneris, Ben Horwitz, Leah Krandel, and Ellie Streiffer. There are a ton of ways to get involved!